You say buzaru, I say buzara...
Buzaru, buzara, buzzara, bouzzara ... there seem to be 101 ways to spell this word, which as an English speaker makes it hard to decide which one to use. Buzara is the most common on English websites, but many of the Croatian pages use buzaru, which suggests that buzara is an English translation for the purposes of pronunciation (since it doesn’t actually mean anything in English, so there can’t really be any other reason for changing the word).
In my recent post, 101 ways to eat octopus salad I said that buzara seems to refer to seafood cooked in white wine with garlic, breadcrumbs, parsley and, in some cases, tomato. Thanks to the Google website translator, I can now say this with more confidence and add that it is most commonly made with skampi (scampi) or dagnje (mussels).