I Am What I Eat: Urvesh

I loved interviewing Urvesh Pavais for the Borough Market blog. My first impression was of someone calm, quiet and collected. Perhaps it was his voice, which is mellow and unwavering. This was true even when I got him talking about his favourite subject, but his eyes lit up and he talked thoughtfully and at length about the topic he is most passionate about. In fact, most of my questions for him remained unasked. Just one question was enough to elicit the answer to my next five!
This made it very difficult to decide what the theme of the post should be. I decided to focus on the visceral nature of food and the memories associated with taste and smell, as it followed on nicely from the previous post. However, it meant missing out a lot of really interesting material on Gujurati history and cuisine, the ambiguous lines between local, regional and national identity and cuisines, food and religion, food and symbolism... the list goes on.
Here is how the post began...