Language: A Taste of Reality

This week I got the results back for an essay that I wrote for the anthropological theory course that I am doing as part of my MA Anthropology of Food. The essay is called Language: A Taste of Reality. I got a distinction, which made me really happy for several reasons. Firstly, it is my first distinction for this module. I have written two other essays for this unit and both have been just shy of a distinction (which for a closet nerd, like me, can be quite disappointing).
More importantly, I took a bit of risk with this paper, taking one of the theory topics, linguistic relativism, and combining it with my interest in food anthropology. I had been advised against this by the course convenor and, though my tutor was more encouraging, she repeated his warning that it might lead me too far away from the theory and that it would be hard to do a good job within the word limit (2000 words).
Funnily enough, my tutor ended up commenting that one of the things that let the essay down was that I didn't go into detail with my food anthropology examples. Reading over it again, I can see what she means. I was being overly cautious, trying to heed her advice within a tight word limit. I got a good mark in any case, so I don't mind.